These articles explain key aspects of the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act ("IDEA") and the federal and state laws that arise under the IDEA. These articles are intended to provide information about the law. They do not focus on, nor do I claim an expertise in, medical or educational issues with respect to special education.
I have created a Guide to IDEA Acronyms and Initialisms that are associated with special education law. I hope the guide is helpful.
Please note that the term "public agency" is used throughout the IDEA articles. This is the term used in the IDEA regulations. A "public agency" can be:
-a State Educational Agency ("SEA");
-a Local Educational Agency ("LEA") (such as a school district);
-an Educational Service Agency ("ESA");
-public charter schools that are not otherwise included as LEA's or ESA's and are not a school of an LEA or ESA; or
-any other political subdivisions of the state that are responsible for providing education to children with disabilities.
Most commonly in Missouri and Illinois, the "public agency" is the school district or special school district.
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